Lately the theme here at Christopher Little & Co has been ‘getting back to basics’ and there is nowhere to go more basic than right back to General Insurance. As such this week will be our General Insurance week and we will be updating our social medias with small factoids and bits of advice all about the world of General Insurance, but to kick it all off on this fine Monday morning here is our weekly blog!
General Insurance generally comprises of any non-life insurance. This rather generic description therefore can span a vast range of insurances from travel and car insurance to landlord and commercial insurance. At Christopher Little & Co we can solely provide: Home insurance (Buildings & Contents), Landlords Insurance, Specialist Insurance (got a thatched roof? Live in a high flood risk area?), Income Insurance, Mortgage Payment Protection and Commercial insurance. For these insurances we use a selective panel of providers that we are happy and comfortable doing business with. We have access to competitively priced products and able to generate your quote quickly and easily so potentially saving you time AND money! Let’s take a look at the different types of General Insurance, what they do and how we could help you.
Most people have home insurance, whether it is buildings insurance, contents insurance or a combination of the two. As well as this, most people do not shop around at renewal date, believing it to be easier and as cheap to continue with the same provider! People are also looking to the internet for quick and easy quotes, but it is scary how many people do not read through the terms and conditions as well as any ‘assumptions’ providers make about you, how many times have you ticked the ‘Have you read our Terms and Conditions?’ box without having done so in order to get on with purchasing what you want?
Purchasing home insurance off the net can often feel rewarding and like you have grabbed yourself a bargain, but do you really know what you have purchased and that it 100% covers your needs? Are you really getting that all important value for money, if you are paying for something that isn’t remotely suitable? Did you also know that the majority of mortgage lenders will insist on you having at least buildings insurance? If that is a term in your mortgage deed and you do not have it, what then? For home insurance it really is quick and easy, 10 minutes of your time and we can whip up a quote there and then! So don’t be shy give us a call!
Landlords insurance is what a landlord/lady needs to have in place to protect their asset i.e. the tenant’s home. This can be protection from many things such as accidental damage, loss of rent, alternative accommodation and even replacement locks! We offer insurance which is tailored to landlord’s requirements, for example, still being able to offer cover for your building even after 90 days of no occupancy. We can also further tailor the product dependent on the type of tenant you have. It is safe to say your needs are different dependent on your tenants, are they students? Do they rely on benefits or have you got multiple occupancies in one building? We can look to cover it for you as we understand that with every different tenant your needs can change. If you are a landlord/lady with more than 10 properties we can look at a specialist insurance to get you the most cost effective way of insuring your assets!
What is commercial insurance? Very simply it’s insurance to protect your business. This could be anything from insurance for Buy to Let properties through to shops, offices, and care homes. Even right down to liability insurance such as: Professional indemnity, Public liability, Employer liability and Directors & Office Liability. All this insurance is there to ensure your business is protected from loss, damage, accidents etc. and that you and your business suffer as little financial detriment as possible. To meet your needs for this type of insurance we can introduce you to Axa insurance and Towergate Insurance, who will be able provide you with quotes.
Accident, Sickness or Unemployment cover and even a combination of all 3! If you think about your lifestyle, what you own, what you pay, how you live there is one thing that underpins everything! Your income. Where would you be without it? The vast majority of us would have to cut back, give up some luxuries, but also some things you may consider essentials and quite frankly learn to live differently. Yet income is something that people forget to insure, don’t know they can insure, don’t want to insure it and amazingly enough don’t feel it is a priority! This cover can make sure at least a proportion of your income continues for up to 12 and even 24 months.
I do ask myself why this is? Is it because everyone thinks the state will provide a benefit to cover their loss? Maybe they will but with statutory sick pay at a mere £86.70 p.w. it’s time people asked themselves how far that would go to continuing the lifestyle they are accustomed to? Call us today and let us help you put a plan in place to ensure that your income is covered, giving you one less thing to worry about should you not be able to work!
As mentioned this week we are solely looking at General Insurance and the general insurance needs of our current clients as well as reaching out to you, our potential new clients to service you general insurance needs. All it takes is a phone call so call the office today on 01943 851 080 and ask to speak to Tom or Megan.