01943 851080


75 Bondgate
West Yorkshire
LS21 3AB

For families

We know it’s difficult to get to meetings when you have a young family. If you want to bring your little ones along, we’ve got a few things to keep them entertained.


Free Parking is available at Sainsbury’s (just a two minute walk from our office) for up to four hours.

Making a Complaint

If you are unhappy with our service

If you have a complaint about your adviser, or any financial advice you have received from your adviser, please contact us:

Quilter Financial Planning Complaints Department

SR43 4JP

Email: QFPcomplaints@quilter.com
Tel: 0808 171 2626

You can find more information by visiting the Quilter Financial Planning website: Contact Quilter Financial Planning | Quilter

If you cannot settle your complaint with us, you may be entitled to refer it to the Financial Ombudsman Service (www.financial-ombudsman.org.uk)

Come and see us

75 Bondgate
West Yorkshire
LS21 3AB

Get in touch

Drop by and we’ll pop the kettle on. Alternatively, send us a message and one of us will be in touch.