I began working for Tom in November 2015, after receiving my A-Levels in the summer of 2015. It was my first ‘proper’ job since leaving school and after studying Statistic Maths at Sixth Form, the apprenticeship agency I spoke to recommended I speak with Tom and go for an interview. Since getting the job, I’ve loved learning and building more experience day by day.
Roles include Administration, i.e. emailing clients, scanning post, speaking with providers. Assisting Tom with the advice process for a client, i.e. researching and analysing existing plans and constructing a financial plan for the client.
I enjoy the construction of building a financial plan for someone as it feels like piecing a jigsaw together, it’s all worth it at the end for the client.
- Financial Services, Regulation & Ethics (R01) – CII
When I'm not at work
You might not know about me
Favourite way to spend your freetime?
Spending time with my family, playing 5 a side with my friends, watching the football at the pub, going out to bars with my friends, walking our dogs/ looking after the animals at home (two dogs, one pony and chickens).
Favourite sport to play and watch?
Football, also like to watch a bit of cricket in the summer
What would you Karaoke song of choice be?
Not a Karaoke man
Which celebrity would you most like to meet up for a coffee / beer with?
Sir. Alex Ferguson
If you could choose to do anything for a day, what would it be?
Play football at Old Trafford
Who was your favourite teacher at school and why?
Mr. Christie, he helped me a lot in my final year at Sixth Form, especially with my maths, was always willing to go the extra mile.
What’s the most daring thing you’ve ever done?
Nothing notable
Where’s your favourite place you’ve ever visited?
What is your favourite thing about living in Yorkshire?
Some great sights, very spacious, lots of great pubs and bars, and not far from major cities like Manchester & Liverpool. Some amazing heritage in Yorkshire.
Favourite Yorkshire food or beverage?
Slingsby Gin (made in Harrogate)
Favourite Yorkshire saying?
Aye (means yes)