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Last July, we set ourselves a target of raising £2,000 to support the Otley Food Bank. This is a cause that we believe is extremely important, and something we are continuing to try and help with here in our local community.

We managed to raise this amount over the course of the year thanks to your help. As a result of this, we will be setting ourselves a target to raise a further £2,000.

Since we began raising money for the Otley food bank in 2020, if we manage to reach our new target, the overall amount we will have raised, will increase to £5,000!

With help from our Otley Winter Wonderland, and client referrals, we’ve already raised £973 towards our target of £2,000. We need a bit of help over the next three months to get us back on track. April is slowly nearing, as we ramp up our efforts with client tax year end planning. If you know of anyone who might need some tax year end planning, now is the best time for them to get in touch. We donate £50 to Otley Food Bank for every recommendation made, so your efforts are really appreciated and go a long way towards helping our local community.

A big thank you

We wanted to update you on a few things here at Christopher Little & Co and tell you about some of the people we’ve helped recently.

We’d like to give a big thank you to the accountant Fiona-Rocket Taylor for recommending us to her friends!

Recommendations to other people allow us to share our expertise and provide peace of mind when it comes to helping our new clients achieve their goals.

An insight into how we’ve been able to help some of our clients recently:

Mr B and Miss S contacted Christopher Little & Co in July of 2022. They were looking for help in understanding what mortgage they could secure in order to move to a larger home and start a family.

An appointment was made to have an initial consultation with Richard. During the time of the enquiry, mortgage rates were climbing and changing daily. As each day counted, Richard worked late into the evening to ensure the application for the new mortgage was submitted on the same day, and that the final bits of supporting documentation were supplied. The preferable rate was secured, and the mortgage offer to purchase the perfect family home followed soon after.

As part of the process, Richard analysed the life insurance policies the couple had in place. Richard says, “While not a legal requirement, life insurance is a fundamental part of financial planning. It is so important to protect those you love and the family home. Far too often insurance is overlooked when it comes to budgeting; this results in those who need financial protection the most, often not having any at all.” In this instance, the policies Mr B and Miss S already had were providing a suitable level of cover.

The couple have recently moved into their new home, and during a follow up call Mr B informed Richard that they are now expecting to welcome a newborn into the family later in the year.

Our latest reviews: So you feel confident introducing people to us

We’re delighted to say that many clients have been leaving reviews on both VouchedFor and Google. Tom currently has a rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars on VouchedFor, following 105 reviews. Richard has a rating of 4.9 out of 5 stars on VouchedFor, following 27 reviews.

We’ve also been included in the VouchedFor Top Rated 2022 guide. In fact, we’re thrilled to say we’re Otley’s only Top Rated firm. Keep an eye out for more on this in the coming months!

Reviews mean a lot to the Christopher Little & Co team. Each review helps us attract new clients and provides a morale boost to our team.

We’re also now up to 26 Google Reviews, with an average score of 5/5.

VouchedFor – Tom

If you haven’t left Tom a VouchedFor review this year, could we ask you to spare five minutes to leave Tom a VouchedFor review? This can either be a full review or a first impression. If you’re happy to leave Tom a review, please click here.

VouchedFor – Richard

If you haven’t left Richard a VouchedFor review, could we ask you to spare five minutes to leave Richard a VouchedFor review? This can either be a full review or a first impression. If you’re happy to leave Richard a review, please click here.

Google Review

If you’ve left us a VouchedFor review, please spare a few minutes to leave us a Google review; it’s an opportunity to share the experience you’ve had with Christopher Little & Co. If you’re happy to leave a Google Review, please click here.

Who we want to work with

You’ll know other people, including friends, relatives, and work colleagues who we can help. So, here’s a little more information on who we predominantly work with.

We will guide clients every step of the way to ensure the financial decisions they make will lead to a happy, stable and fulfilling future for them and their family.

With this in mind, we typically work with people who are in their:

20s and 30s: They may be taking their first few steps on the housing ladder, or just saving for a deposit. Maybe they want to travel and see the world. Whatever choices they make, they’ll want to be sure they’re on firm ground when it comes to their finances.

40s and 50s: It’s time they start thinking seriously about setting aside money for the future. But they’re also likely to have a great many financial responsibilities and plenty of ambitions they’re still eager to fulfil.

60s and 70s: Retirement should be all about living a lifestyle they’ve worked long and hard to enjoy. But it’s not uncommon to find that the transition from work gives rise to feelings of uncertainty and anxiety, particularly where finances are concerned.

80s and onwards: Nobody’s later years should be blighted by money worries, but anxiety over whether they can afford a “good” retirement and pay for care and support if it’s needed, can cause real worry. We’re here to help to make sense of their finances and understand how to maintain and protect a comfortable standard of living.

Looking for a mortgage: Whether they’re purchasing their first home, moving, remortgaging, or looking to buy-to-let, we offer high-quality and independent mortgage advice.

Here’s what to do if you want to recommend someone to us

Please pass on our contact details and suggest they contact us as we may be able to help (Tel: 01943 851080 or Email:

If they get in contact to arrange an initial discussion and we meet face-to-face or online, we’ll then arrange to donate £50.

Donation does not apply if they are already clients of ours, or have had discussions with us previously.

If you wish to donate items yourself this can easily be done at the collection point located in the Otley Sainsbury’s supermarket. Here are a few things that the Food Bank typically runs low on:

  • Dog & Cat food (Dry food)
  • Jam
  • Sugar
  • Rice
  • UHT Milk
  • Fruit Juice & Squash
  • Crisps
  • Biscuits & Sweets
  • Puddings
  • Jelly
  • Angel Delights
  • Chocolate
  • Gluten Free items

Please note: This email is for general information only and does not constitute advice. The information is aimed at retail clients only.

The value of your investment can go down as well as up and you may not get back the full amount you invested. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.

Tax Planning and Some Buy-to-Let Mortgages are not regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

Approver Quilter Financial Services Limited & Quilter Mortgage Planning Limited. 16.02.23